- 2022-10-14
NVSC Reminds of the Importance to Wash Hands Often and Properly
- 2022-10-13
Incidence Rates for the Most Common Infections Will Be Published Each Week
- 2022-10-04
2022-2023 Flu Season: Getting Vaccinated Is Important
- 2022-02-15
No more restrictions on arrivals from the EU
- 2022-02-14
Self-isolation no longer required for travellers
- 2022-02-05
Updated requirements for travellers: arrivals from EU countries are no longer required to self-isolate but testing remains in place for those without a timely booster shot
- 2022-01-31
List of affected countries continues unchanged: from now on, all incoming travellers will have to pay for their own tests
- 2022-01-25
List of affected countries continues unchanged
- 2022-01-18
Self-isolation requirement reduce to seven days for incoming travellers
- 2021-12-20
Updated testing requirements for travellers from abroad
- 2021-11-29
Self-isolation and two extra tests will be required from arrivals from South Africa region
- 2021-10-12
Cyprus, Crete, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and France are no longer in the red list
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