1. | Name of service | Certification of natural health factor used for health and wellness services |
2. | Recipients of service | Businesses for business purposes |
3. | Type of service: electronic/ non-electronic | Electronic and non-electronic |
3.1. | Link to electronic service | https://www.epaslaugos.lt/portal/service/25623/19220?searchId=bb7e35da-7bd3-441a-8beb-077fb4a7a508 |
3.2. | Link to online application form (when electronic service unavailable) | General request form https://www.lietuva.gov.lt/webPartner/subsystems/service/documents/718/17674/prasymo-forma.docx |
4. | Timeframe of service | 20 calendar days (after submission of all documents) |
5. | Fees of service | Free |
6. | Cross-border payment measures and procedure | - |
7. | Description of process for obtaining a service |
8. | List of documents to be submitted to obtain a permit | For seawater certification: 1. A copy of the integrated pollution prevention and control permit (only when more than 100 cubic meters of seawater is to be extract per day) 2. A request to certificate seawater, which shall state: 2.1. information about recipient of service (company name, registration code, address, correspondence address, phone number, email address) and information on how the recipient of service wishes to receive the certificate and notifications 2.2. the name of the area and the bathing area from which the water is extracted 3. Copies of the laboratory test reports, issued by the accredited or certified laboratory, stating: 3.1. total concentration of minerals dissolved in seawater, mg/l 3.2. constituents of seawater and their concentrations, mg/l For mineral water certification: 1. A copy of the permit for the use of underground resources and cavities 2. A copy of the contract for the exploitation of underground resources and cavities 3. A request to certificate mineral water, which shall state: 3.1. information about recipient of service (company’s name, registration code, address, correspondence address, phone number, email address) and information on how the recipient of service wishes to receive the certificate and notifications 3.2. the name (title) of the spring from which the mineral water comes and / or the unique number of the borehole belonging to that spring 3.3. name and address of the location of the mineral water spring 4. Copies of the laboratory test reports, issued by the accredited or certified laboratory, stating: 4.1.total concentration of minerals dissolved in mineral water, mg/l 4.2. constituents of mineral water and their concentrations mg/l 4.3. chemical composition of the main constituents of mineral water, eq. pct. For peloid certification: 1. A copy of the permit for the use of underground resources and cavities 2. A copy of the contract for the exploitation of underground resources and cavities 3.A request (request submitted electronically must be signed with a secure electronic signature)to certificate peloids, which shall state: 3.1. information about recipient of service (company name, registration code, address, correspondence address, phone number, email address) and information on how the recipient of service wishes to receive the certificate and notifications 3.2. name (title), name of area, address and identification number of peloids deposit 3.3. name (title) of peloid (peat, sapropel etc.) 4. Copies of the laboratory test reports, issued by the accredited or certified laboratory, stating: 4.1. degree of peloid fragmentation, proc. 4.2. organic matter content quantity of organic matter, pct 4.3. other main physical and chemical indicators of peloids *Recipient of service shall also submit a certificate issued by the Radiation Protection Center stating that the radioactive contamination of natural health factors does not exceed the concentration levels of radionuclides determined by Lithuanian hygiene norm HN 73: 2018 |
9. | Contact details of the authority providing a service (position of responsible employee, name and surname, e-mail, phone no.) | General contact number of the National Centre for Public Health under the Ministry of Health (8 5) 264 96 76, e-mail [email protected], website nvsc.lrv.lt Recipient of service (its call, letter) will be directed to the responsible specialist respectively |
10. | Information concerning available remedies | Recipient of service has the right to submit a complaint to the Administrative Disputes Commission in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Dispute Commissions of the Republic of Lithuania and to the Administrative Court in accordance with the Law on Administrative Proceedings of the Republic of Lithuania. |
11. | Contact details of organisations from which providers or recipients can obtain practical assistance | - |