Correction of permit-hygiene passport, Issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport, Suspension of permit-hygiene passport, Revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport, Revocation of permit-hygiene passport



Name of service

Correction ofpermit-hygiene passport

Issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport

Suspension of permit-hygiene passport

Revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport

Revocation of permit-hygiene passport


Recipients of service

Businesses for business purposes

Person for business purposes


Type of service: electronic/ non-electronic

Electronic and non-electronic


Link to electronic service


Link to online application form (when electronic service unavailable)

General request form


Timeframe of service

Correction of permit-hygiene passport: 3 work days

Issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport: 5 work days

Suspension of permit-hygiene passport: 2 work days

Revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport: 2 work days

Revocation of permit-hygiene passport: 2 work days


Fees of service

Correction of permit-hygiene passport: 13 Eur (or free if mistake was made by provider of service)

Issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport: 9,9 Eur

Suspension of permit-hygiene passport: Free

Revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport: Free

Revocation of permit-hygiene passport: Free


Cross-border payment measures and procedure

A tax, fixed by state, must be paid before corrected permit-hygiene passport or duplicate of permit-hygiene passport can be withdrawn.Taxes, fees and contributions are paid into states budget collection accounts of State Tax Inspectorate Under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania:

Account No.

Payments codes

Banks code

Bank name

SWIFT code

LT78 7290 0000 0013 0151



AB „Citadele" bank


LT05 7044 0600 0788 7175



AB SEB bank


LT32 7180 0000 0014 1038



AB Šiaulių bank


LT74 7400 0000 0872 3870



Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas


LT74 4010 0510 0132 4763



Luminor Bank AB

(previously AB DNB bank)


LT12 2140 0300 0268 0220



Luminor Bank AB

(previlously Nordea Bank AB Lietuvos skyrius)


LT24 7300 0101 1239 4300



„Swedbank“, AB


LT42 7230 0000 0012 0025



UAB Medicinos bankas


Beneficiary of taxes, fees and contributions is State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania,institutions identification code 188659752. In the payment order, when paying taxes,fees and contributions to thebudget collection accounts of the State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania, you have to indicate:

  • the name of the beneficiary
  • account number of budget collection account
  • payer’s identification code
  • payers name
  • payments code
  • amount

If taxes, fees and contributions are paid for other persons (businesses or citizens), the extended payment order form, including the identification code, name and address of the originator of the payment shall be indicated


Description of process for obtaining a service

Correction of permit-hygiene passport:

  1. Recipient of service submits a request and documentation that verifies  information that was changed or was miswriten
  2. Provider of service inspects the submitted documents (if documents or information that is required was not provided - requests for them )
  3. Provider of service informs recipient of service about the decision
  4. Recipient of service pays state fee (recipient of service does not pay the state fee if the mistake was made by provider of service)
  5. Corrected permit-hygiene passport is issued byissuing a new permit-hygiene passport
  6. Previous permit-hygiene passport is revoked
  7. Corrected permit-hygiene passport is given to recipient of service

Issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport:

  1. Recipient of service submits a request for issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport
  2. Provider of service reviews submitted documents
  3. Provider of service informs recipient of service about the decision
  4. Recipient of service pays state fee
  5. Duplicate of permit-hygiene passportis given to recipient of service

Suspension of permit-hygiene passport:

  1. Recipient of service submits a request for suspension of permit-hygiene passport
  2. Provider of service reviews submitted request  
  3. Provider of service suspends permit-hygiene passport
  4. Provider of service informs recipient of service about the suspension of permit-hygiene passport

Revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport:

  1. Recipient of service submits a request for revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport, declaring that the conditions of bussines has not changed prior to the suspension of permit-hygiene passport
  2. Provider of service reviews request and declaration
  3. Provider of service informs recipient of service about the decision
  4. Suspension of permit-hygiene passport is revoked (if decision was to revoke the suspension)

Revocation of permit-hygiene passport:

  1. Recipient of service submits a request for revocation of permit-hygiene passport
  2. Provider of service reviews request
  3. Provider of service informs recipient of service about the decision of revocation of permit-hygiene passport
  4. Permit-hygiene passport is revoked


List of documents to be submitted to obtain a permit

General request form and, if necessary,documents related to request, proving the right to initiate these procedures


Contact details of the authority providing a service (position of responsible employee, name and surname, e-mail, phone no.)

General contact number of the National Centre for Public Health under the Ministry of Health (8 5) 264 96 76, e-mail [email protected], website

Recipient of service (its call, letter) will be directed to the responsible specialist respectively


Information concerning available remedies

Recipient of service has the right to submit a complaint to the Administrative Disputes Commission in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Dispute Commissions of the Republic of Lithuania and to the Administrative Court in accordance with the Law on Administrative Proceedings of the Republic of Lithuania.


Contact details of organisations from which providers or recipients can obtain practical assistance


Last updated: 20-11-2023