Issuance of conditions for application of derogation from the limit value for the toxic (chemical) indicator of drinking water


Name of service

Issuance of conditions for application of derogation from the limit value for the toxic (chemical) indicator of drinking water


Recipients of service

The executive body of the municipality


Type of service: electronic/ non-electronic



Link to electronic service


Link to online application form (when electronic service unavailable)

General request form


Timeframe of service

25 work days


Fees of service



Cross-border payment measures and procedure


Description of process for obtaining a service

1. Recipient of service submits a request accompanied by documentation showing the necessary information concerning the specific area or part of area covered by water supply body.

2. Service provider evaluates the submitted documents.

3. Service provider makes the decision and issues the conditions for application of derogation from the limit value for the toxic (chemical) indicator of drinking water.


List of documents to be submitted to obtain a permit

1. General request form.

2. The reason of the non-compliance of the toxic (chemical) indicator of drinking water with the established requirements and the reasons for the derogation.

3. Results of previous surveillance of a specific toxic (chemical) value (over a period not exceeding 3 years): number of tests, minimum and maximum results of measurements and median.

4. Proposed maximum temporary allowed value for the indicator.

5. Geographical area.

6. Drinking water supply per day.

7. Number of inhabitants potentially affected by the derogation.

8. List of food business operators which may be affected by the derogation, agreed with the local State Food and Veterinary Service (assessment of the probability of the impact of the indicator value on the safety of the final products produced by each of food business operators).

9. Proposed program for supervision of water indicators agreed in writing with the Territorial State Food and Veterinary Service.

10. Schedule of measures to be taken to ensure that toxic (chemical) indicator value shall be complied with the requirements within a limited time, estimate of expenditure and measures of implementation control.

11. Procedures for informing people.

12. Proposed duration of the derogation.


Contact details of the authority providing a service (position of responsible employee, name and surname, e-mail, phone no.)

General contact number of the National Centre for Public Health under the Ministry of Health (8 5) 264 9676, e-mail [email protected], website

Recipient of service (its call, letter) will be directed to the responsible specialist.


Information concerning available remedies

Recipient of service has the right to submit a complaint to the Administrative Disputes Commission in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Administrative Dispute Commissions of the Republic of Lithuania and to the Administrative Court in accordance with the Law on Administrative Proceedings of the Republic of Lithuania.


Contact details of organisations from which providers or recipients can obtain practical assistance

Last updated: 20-11-2023