National public health centre under the Ministry of Health
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Structure and Contacts
Information for Visitors
Administrative Services
Issuance of permit-hygiene passport
Correction of permit-hygiene passport, Issuance of duplicate of permit-hygiene passport, Suspension of permit-hygiene passport, Revocation of suspension of permit-hygiene passport, Revocation of permit-hygiene passport
Approval of the emergency plan for a dangerous object
Analysis of environmental impact assessment programme of the proposed economic activity and providing conclusion, Analysis of environmental impact assessment report of the proposed economic activity and providing conclusion
Analysis of the public health impact assessment report and decision on the possibilities of the proposed economic activity
Approval of draft of radiotechnical part of the radiotechnical object (cell site) and of monitoring plan for electromagnetic radiation Approval of monitoring plan for electromagnetic radiation
Issuance of permit (or its duplicate) to exhume human remains
Issuance of laissez-passer for a corpse
Notification of the transportation of human remains (Unofficial translation)
Certification of natural health factor used for health and wellness services
Issuance of the permit for the pursuit of the activities related to poisonous substances
Issuance of the certificate attesting to competence of persons seeking to pursue and pursuing the activities related to poisonous substances
Issuance of conditions for application of derogation from the limit value for the toxic (chemical) indicator of drinking water
Issuance of permit for free practice in seaport
Issuance or extension of Ship Sanitation Control Certificate / Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
Other Administrative Services
Issuance of copies of archived certificates and documents
Execution of the administrative procedure
Information on Monkeypox
What you need to know
Answers to common questions about monkeypox
Memo for Persons Who Had a High-Risk Contact with an Identified Case of Monkeypox
ECDC Monkeypox situation update
Vaccination related questions
Flu prevention
Prevention of tick-borne diseases
TB prevention
Issuance of a Permit-Hygiene Passport (PHP)
Regulation on Biocidal Products
Regulation on Cosmetic Products
Avian Influenza
How to Prevent Legionellosis
More Information on Legionellosis
Measles: Recommendations and Other Relevant Information
Recommendations for Residents
What to Do When Exposed to Measles
Vaccination related questions
Where to get vaccinated?
Who can administer vaccines?
Is a person's consent necessary for vaccination?
How do health care facilities ensure the safety of vaccines?
How are unused or expired vaccines handled?
Will a health care facility be inspected if anonymous complaint concerning immunoprophylaxis is received?
What does the National Public Health Center (NVSC) examine when conducting an inspection in health care facility regarding immunoprophylaxis?
Does a person who had an exposure to someone with meningococcal infection (MI) need chemoprophylaxis?
Is tetanus immunoprophylaxis recommended to a person who has been bitten, licked or scratched by an animal?
What is the vaccination schedule for infants against meningococcal type B infection?
Why is it necessary to vaccinate a newborn against viral Hepatitis B even if the family members do not have the disease?
There is so much negative information about vaccines, why should I believe that they are necessary?
Does MMR vaccine cause adverse reactions?
How many doses does a full rabies vaccination course consist of?
Why does one need to know vaccination rules before going to a foreign country?
Why are travel vaccines divided into routine, recommended and required?
What vaccinations do I need for traveling?
Do all foreign travellers are required to hold the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis?
How long is yellow fever vaccination valid?
What vaccinations are mandatory in Lithuania according to the Preventive Vaccination Schedule for Children of the Republic of Lithuania?
Can one get free vaccination not according to Preventive Vaccination Schedule for Children?
If a child was born on 30/06/2018, will he/she get a free vaccine against rotavirus infection?
What changes in the Preventive Vaccination Schedule for Children of the Republic of Lithuania have been introduced since 2018?
Should post-exposure rabies immunoprophylaxis be administered in the same health care facility where the first dose of vaccine was administered?
In what cases rabies vaccine should not be given?
Are there vaccines for employees based on their economic activities, professions or positions and who pays for them?
How can I find out what vaccines I received as an infant? I was born in 1978 and was vaccinated according to standard vaccination schedule at that time. I have no possibility to contact my family doctor as I live abroad. I am preparing for a trip abroad and I want to get only the vaccines that I have not yet got.
What should you know and what safety measures should you take after getting vaccinated?
Is natural infection better than immunization?
What is an adverse reaction or complication caused by vaccine?
Can an adverse reaction report be filled out by another person?
Who can report on adverse drug reaction and how?
Is malaria chemoprophylaxis always required when traveling to tropical countries?
Last updated: 20-11-2023