- 2023-10-10
In the First Week of Flu Season, Number of Sick People Decreased
- 2023-10-05
NPHC: Children with Suspected Intestinal Infection Should Not Attend School or Other Childcare Facility
- 2023-09-28
Only Vaccine Can Prevent Rabies
- 2023-09-26
From 5 October, Possibility to Get Both Flu Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine at the Same Visit
- 2023-09-22
Vaccination Protects Against Rare but Extremely Serious Disease
- 2023-09-15
NPHC: Ticks Become Hungry in Autumn Again
- 2023-09-14
Communicable Disease that Can Be Prevented
- 2023-08-29
A Reminder Regarding Legionellosis in Neighbouring Poland
- 2023-08-25
NPHC: Importance of Getting Kids Back to Safe Schools
- 2023-08-23
Children's Playgrounds Must Be Safe
- 2023-07-28
World Hepatitis Day: Hepatitis Can Be Prevented
- 2023-07-25
Due to Spill from Sewage Treatment Plant in Latvia it is Advised Against Swimming in Baltic Sea
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