What economic/commercial activities is a permit-hygiene passport (PHP) issued for?

Kinds of activities that require a permit-hygiene passport:

1) Activities of outpatient institutions of personal health care (according to the list of licensed outpatient personal health care services approved by the Minister of Health*)

2) Activities of hospitals (according to the list of licensed inpatient personal health care services approved by the Minister of Health*)

3) Other personal health care activities approved by the Minister of Health*

3¹) Complementary and alternative health care practices**

4) Education activities: pre-school education activities, education activities of general education schools, education activities of children's non-formal education schools, education activities of vocational schools, education activities of higher education institutions

5) Activities of residential adult care and nursing institutions, activities of residential child and youth care and nursing institutions

6) Accommodation service activities (activities of hotels, motels, guesthouses, resort sanatoriums, resort rehabilitation centres, camping sites, tourist centres, rest houses, youth hostels)

7) Beauty service activities (hair care services, face care services, body care services, nail care services, tattoo services, permanent makeup services, piercing services)

8) Service activities of solariums

9) Service activities of sports clubs

10) Service activities of bathhouses, saunas, swimming pools

11) Service activities of laundries

12) Manufacture of cosmetic products

13) Activities relating to the provision of funeral services (storage of human corpses, their preparation for viewing, and laying out), cremation activities, embalming activities

14) Activities of stationary sources of noise in noise abatement zones

15) Activities of health services that use complementary alternative health care products, animals and other living organisms and which are not licensed under the Law on Complementary and Alternative Health Care. 

* In accordance with the list of licensed personal health care services, approved by Order No. V-943 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 27 August 2018.

** In accordance with the list of specific groups and/or subgroups of complementary and alternative health care services, approved by Order No. V-2199 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 6 October 2020.

Last updated: 20-11-2023