What are the obligations of the holder of a permit-hygiene passport (PHP)?

1. A natural person, a legal entities or a branch that holds a permit-hygiene passport (PHP) must comply with the requirements of legal acts regulating public health safety, applicable to their economic/ commercial activities, and carry out economic/commercial activities under the conditions declared in the application for a permit-hygiene passport ( PHP), except for the cases when the changed conditions of economic/commercial activity have been reported to the institution that issued the permit-hygiene passport (PHP) in accordance with the procedure established in Clause 48.2 of the Rules, and the change in the conditions of economic/commercial activity does not violate the requirements of public health safety legislation. 

2. A natural person, a legal entities or a branch that holds a permit-hygiene passport (PHP) must inform the institution that issued the permit-hygiene passport about:

Changed data recorded in the permit-hygiene passport (PHP) (legal entity and branch – name, registered office address, changed code (given new code); natural person – personal data, correspondence address) no later than within 10 working days from the change of these data.

Changed conditions for performance of economic and commercial activities no later than within 3 working days from the change of such conditions. 

3. PHP holder must not authorize or transfer the right to engage in the activities specified in the PHP to other persons under the contract. 

4. The original PHP or its copy must be presented in a place visible to users (the published PHP original or its copy should not show the personal identification number and address of the natural person). 

5. In case of temporary cessation of the activity for which the PHP was issued, the PHP holder must submit an application to the NVSC for suspension of PHP. 

6. Upon termination of the activity for which the PHP was issued, the PHP holder must submit an application to the NVSC for revocation of the PHP. Such an application must also be submitted when a new PHP is issued to a person who had already obtained an PHP after starting to provide new services in existing premises or starting to operate in existing premises where no activity was previously carried out (in this case, an application for revocation of the old PHP is submitted).

Last updated: 20-11-2023