
Swimming Is Recommended Only in Supervised Bathing Areas

Many people seek to cool off in various bodies of water during hot summer days. However, it is important to ensure that the water is safe and not contaminated before swimming. Experts from the National Public Health Centre (NPHC) recommend using municipally-maintained bathing facilities and recreational areas that undergo periodic water testing and sand analysis. These areas are equipped with toilets, rubbish bins, changing rooms, handwashing facilities, and other cleanliness and safety measures.

Contaminated Water is a Source of Infections

As water bodies warm up, the risk of infection and waterborne diseases increases. Warmer water contaminated with organic matter provides favourable conditions for a wide range of microorganisms to survive and multiply. The most common way pathogens enter the body is through the mouth when contaminated water is ingested while swimming, and less commonly through damaged skin or mucous membranes. Therefore, holidaymakers should avoid bathing in contaminated water bodies to prevent pathogens from entering the digestive tract and causing illness.

"The most common symptoms of acute intestinal infectious diseases include fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach pains, and weakness. Skin allergic reactions, such as rashes or redness, may also occur," – notes Aušra Valaikienė, senior specialist of the Communicable Disease Management Unit at NHSC.

Children are particularly at risk of bathing in contaminated water due to their tendency to ingest water more frequently and their underdeveloped immune systems. Older people, individuals with chronic diseases, pregnant women, and persons with weakened immune systems are also at greater risk.

Check the Water Quality of Bathing Waters

The bathing season in Lithuania officially starts 1 June and runs until September 15. For information on safe swimming locations and which bodies of water should be avoided, visit the Institute of Hygiene website https://www.hi.lt/maudyklu-vandens-kokybe/.


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