
No Exceedances of Chemicals Detected in Kindergarten "Puriena" After Cleaning and Ventilation

On Sunday (7 January 2024), the National Public Health Centre (NPHC) organised repeated indoor air tests at the nursery school "Puriena", located next to the burnt-down apartment block in Viršuliškės. The tests were carried out after the kindergarten had implemented the recommendations made by the NPHC to reduce indoor air pollution.  The results showed that the concentrations of substances emitted during the fire (hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde and soot) in the nursery's indoor air were significantly reduced and no longer exceeded the permissible limits - soot was not detected at all, whereas hydrochloric acid concentrations and formaldehyde concentrations were 20 % and 70 % respectively below the maximum permissible levels.

The management of the kindergarten has been informed that the conditions for the education of the children are safe and can resume the education process.

Similar tests were carried out in the apartment block closest to the burnt-down building, where no chemical exceedances were found.

It should be noted that the indoor air tests carried out on 3 January in the kindergarten showed that the concentrations of some of the chemicals emitted during the fire exceeded the permitted limits. As a result, the educational process was suspended and the management of the kindergarten was advised to clean and ventilate the premises.