According to the European Respiratory Virus Surveillance Network (ERVISS), respiratory infection activity has been decreasing across EU and EEA level since week 4. This season, influenza activity started to decrease earlier than in the last five influenza seasons, with the exception of the 2020-2021 influenza season. In week 15, influenza B virus accounted for 84% of all influenza viruses detected at EU and EEA level. For three consecutive weeks, detections of influenza B virus exceeded those of influenza A virus.
The influenza season will end in four weeks (week 20/2024, mid-May) and it still remains crucial to wash hands thoroughly, avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, especially with unclean hands, ventilate the rooms regularly and clean surfaces with a damp cloth, practise proper coughing and sneezing etiquette, and stay away from sneezing and coughing people. If you experience cold like symptoms (sore throat or headache, stuffy or runny nose, etc.), stay at home and consult your family doctor.