
Flood Water Can Affect Water Quality in Wells or Boreholes

The National Public Health Centre under the Ministry of Health (NPHC) informs that if the area in which a well or borehole is located is flooded, the water in the well or borehole may be contaminated with chemicals and biological substances in the flood water. Such water should therefore not be used for drinking, cooking, or washing.

After the flood water recedes, it is necessary to pump out the water from flooded manholes, remove sludge and foreign objects from the bottom of the manhole, clean and disinfect the bottom and the walls of the manhole, and clear the surroundings.

When the well is newly refilled with water, the well water is disinfected.  The disinfection of wells and boreholes may be carried out by legal entities licensed for pest control (disinfection, disinsection, deratisation) activities.

After the prescribed period of disinfection, the water shall be re-pumped and, when the well is full of water, the water shall be tested for microbial and chemical contamination of the well water.

Typically, the water in the well or borehole is tested for possible contamination with enteric rods (Escherichia coli), enterococci, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, organic matter (permanganate index), and residues of disinfectant.

In case of suspicion of possible contamination of the well with other hazardous substances, we recommend that you should contact NPHC by  phone (+370 5) 264 9676 or by e-mail [email protected].